Sunday, June 26, 2011

must reads

BOOK LIST for this month:

Hamid Dabashi: Islamic Liberation Theology
Anouar Majid: Unveiling Traditions: Postcolonial Islam in A Polycentric World
Chaim Clorfene and Yakov Rogalsky: The Path of the Righteous Gentile: An Introduction to the Seven Laws of the Children of Noah
Arthur Kurzeil: The Torah for Dummies
Haideh Moghissi: Feminism and Islamic Fundamentalism, The Limits of Post Modern Analysis

Foucault my fav!

"The liberty of men is never assured by the institutions and laws that are intended to guarantee them." -Foucault

Saturday, June 18, 2011

abu chat today!

So I talked to my dad today after like a long time, hes like 75, its important to note his age. I told him I missed the pervez musharaff talk at university...he gave me a long talk about corruption and how some politicians used to steal the Qurbani (sacrificed meat for the Eid Festival) that his brother had collected for the Jamaat-e-Islami and sell it. Anyways, my dad encouraged me to meet this one politician who was kind involved in this corruption whilst he was growing up...Im like really why?.. Hes said in his encouraging tone " you should meet him , do an interview and stuff...... and than KILL HIM!!!" My response on skype " UHHHHHH gotta go abu!" If you feel threatened about my dads advice, don't hes harmless in his rocking chair watching CNN on full volume. He's just as passionate as me, his princess!!

My dad if you know gives me the most outrageous advice, when I was in grade two a little white girl called me a 'paki'. my dad encouraged me to go back and call her 'a white witch'. She told the teacher on me and said I called her a 'white bitch'.. I didnt even know or use that word at that age. But, I got stuck writing lines of apologies because my teacher took her side (roll eyes at mr. bennett) Hey at least my dad was kind enough to offer to write those lines for me and encouraged me to go play!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

RANT: capitalism undermines sisterhood!!!

The title was to lure you in....this is not about capitalism, but capitalism probably does undermine sisterhood.

Its been a long year at SOAS, and I have made incredible friendships. But, one thing has left a bad taste in my mouth. THE WOMEN!!! I know its not a London thing, because its various women, women from various parts of the world like America, Canada, China, India, Pakistan, Dubai, etc. The women I have met, have great things going for them, incredibly beautiful and educated women with diverse backrounds, ethnicities, life experiences and so forth. But theres a common trend amongst them, they are AWFULLY MEAN SPIRITED!!!

My first bad experience was at the beginning of the year. I met this incredible woman, who was from the Mid East, in a documentary, writing a book, absolutely gorgeous, constantly in the media, the list goes on. I was her number one fan!! I supported her all the time, and complimented her like I was her boyfriend. Sadly, I had to babysit her feelings, she became extremely needy, moody, tempermental when I didnt offer her a compliment, jealous when I was in a relationship, crazy when I acheived something good and verbally abusive when we actually got in an argument. I really sat and analysed the entire friendship. I tried to see where I went wrong, and I tried hard to be a good friend to her, I even apologized when I did no wrong, because I started to think she was delusional. I came to the realization she didnt want to be my friend if I wasnt the underdog. I think as a woman and a feminist, I have made it my active goal, to support and help my fellow sisters. Maybe thats cliche? Most importantly, as part of my deen (my religion) which is my main priority in my life, I tried always to not be jealous, and be happy for others joys and blessings. I am not saying I only met evil spirited women, but it seems like a a weird trend amongst alot of successful women, they feel the need to rip eachother to shreds.

Also, I have seen these same women drop all their dignity and respect and become petty and stupid for a man.

At SOAS, I met bitchy women, who were ultra competitive, insincere, and ready to bite your head off at any moment. Moreover, constantly engaged in ridiculing each other like pre schoolers to cover up their awful personalities and insecurities. Even worse you have to deal with their UGLY SARCASM AND GARBAGE JOKES!!! Jokes that are usually at the expense of others or you because they have nothing substantial to offer to the conversation.

I am not saying I am flawless, or free from error. But, I think more women should make a conscious decision not to feel threatened by other women, or be so CUT THROAT. Be happy for others gains, and dont wish for others to loose.

I am really put off by it, and I really hope I can meet some more powerful, encouraging women who support each other rather than tear other women down

Thursday, June 2, 2011

moms two cents for the day

Ammi's advice " you can work any part of the world, dunya mai blah blah...(cant rephrase my moms wonderful urdu) long as its not a terrorist country"