Well today I met a cute boy in the SOAS library......
any who so ' this boy' asked me some directions....we were sitting next to each other....and he said I have a nice name after he glanced at my computer screen and even pronounced it right too!! he was being all smooth, complementing me , asking me questions, paying attention to MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! it was all about me. We talked plenty, the conversation kept on, I was like is this gonna lead somewhere shoot (I mean ask for my digits, FACEBOOK!!!). But, we were in the quiet area, so I was like trying to wrap the conversation up, before someone screams at us. Some people were giving us those evil stares, the kind that tells u 'shut the F*ck up' without actually saying it. He asked me what I want to do in life and where I live etc..etc. I mean it got deep and personal, ok not really. Anyways just when I thought things were getting interesting he dropped it on me like a ton of bricks, "I study economics at LSE................." . I know eh? like WTF?
It gets worse, he tells me he wants to work in Washington for the IMF. At that point I said bye, and hurried away.
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