Monday, January 4, 2010

Colonialist Sufism

I am not shocked that "Colonialist Sufism" (as I call it) is gaining momentum in former colonies. Personally, I do not need a white man to come tell me "innovative" ways to practice the deen. My religion was complete when my beloved Prophet SAW gave past away. Moreover I am sick of hearing his anti- wahaabee rhetoric. I wont let him and his teachings divide my ummah. I am tired of hearing his watered down humanist version of Islam, that conveniently fits "UNDER" Western discourses. Honestly, everytime I talk to an adherent to these pseudo religious cultish members, I get really scared and disturbed. Don't let the White man divide and conquer us again.


  1. Instead of attacking my arguement, you attack me. Quite immature and unmasculine.

  2. The problem comes when we complicate what is simple. Islam is a simple religion. You don’t need to be wahabist, sufi, or maliki or salafi and so on. Just stick to 5 daily prayers, 6 emaans, be patient, do good to both Muslims and no Muslims and remember your lord 27/4 where ever you are. that said, about rulers, if they are corrupt they are corrupt - the prophet peace and blessing be upon him said in the day of judgment "every Muslim citizen will hold accountable their leaders of what he or she did to them" (btw that’s not exact wording, please look it up) that said i personally would not want to be a leader, why? imagine for example the whole population of Tunisia or Yemen holding you accountable in hereafter. If you can’t be trust worthy like Omar and Abu Bakar were -- than don’t get into this. This life is very short, be patient with the corrupt leaders and the aggressors.

    btw sis, good blog.
