"Most of them claim to believe in Allah, but they really commit shirk."
Quraan 12: 106
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
from "The Aqeedah of The Imam of Hadeeth"
Shaikh Bin Baazz " It is not from the salaaf to publicize the faults of the Ruler and to mention such things from
pulpit because that leads to confusion/disorder and the abscense of hearing and obeying the ruler in what is good.
It also results in people becoming engrossed in such manner which produces no benefit. The followed path of the Salaf
is to give naseeha with respect to the matters that are between themselves and the leader, writing to him or
by reaching him through scholars who keep in touch with him (advise him) until the ruler is directed towards good.
Repelling the evil occurs without mentioning the doer of evil."
I got this from the book "The Aqeedah of The Imam of Hadeeth" Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismaa'eel al Bukhari (rahimahullah)
pulpit because that leads to confusion/disorder and the abscense of hearing and obeying the ruler in what is good.
It also results in people becoming engrossed in such manner which produces no benefit. The followed path of the Salaf
is to give naseeha with respect to the matters that are between themselves and the leader, writing to him or
by reaching him through scholars who keep in touch with him (advise him) until the ruler is directed towards good.
Repelling the evil occurs without mentioning the doer of evil."
I got this from the book "The Aqeedah of The Imam of Hadeeth" Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismaa'eel al Bukhari (rahimahullah)
Monday, January 4, 2010
Colonialist Sufism
I am not shocked that "Colonialist Sufism" (as I call it) is gaining momentum in former colonies. Personally, I do not need a white man to come tell me "innovative" ways to practice the deen. My religion was complete when my beloved Prophet SAW gave past away. Moreover I am sick of hearing his anti- wahaabee rhetoric. I wont let him and his teachings divide my ummah. I am tired of hearing his watered down humanist version of Islam, that conveniently fits "UNDER" Western discourses. Honestly, everytime I talk to an adherent to these pseudo religious cultish members, I get really scared and disturbed. Don't let the White man divide and conquer us again.
Sunday, January 3, 2010

The best part of Syria was all the cute little chinese Muslims. I remember being at this internet cafe, where this husband and wife would come to talk to their family via skype. They would carry around their cute little baby Salim. I got to play and toss little Salim around. Many people in the West have little knowledge about Muslims and think were all brown and from the Middle East. Well this isn't so alarming after you find out how many people believe Pakistan is part of the Middle East. Anyways back to Muslim Chinese people, theres over 20 million Muslims in China. China's oppressive Communist history has led many adherents of Islam to conceal their faith. Hence, we are still unaware of how many Muslims are actually in China.
Anyways, if you want to find out more about Chinese Muslims go to Syria, youll meet a ton.
There super friendly, and really cute in hijaabs and kufees. Also, whilst at Abu Nour I was super jealous of their tajweed and arabic skills.
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